Poker Analysis
Poker: A People's Game
Before looking at the many individual parts of poker, such as hand analysis, pot odds, card odds, bluffing etc. it’s essential to have a comfortable overall view of the game. This means that we should understand what type of game poker is, what the goal should be when playing and which basic steps to take to get to that goal.
Poker has been described as a people game that just happens to be played with cards. Not only that, but the money or chips used during a poker game are not the true objective. In fact, several professionals have described chips and money as only a way to keep score. Yet, a successful poker player should know that the ultimate objective is to make money.
Keep Score AND Make Money?
For players who are still learning the game, this may seem a bit contradictory. How can we state that money/chips are just a way to keep score and almost in the same breath state that the goal is to make money? There is no easy answer to this question. It’s sort of like saying, “If you have to ask someone to explain the blues then you wouldn’t understand.”
Let’s go to the experts as a way to start analyzing the game of poker. David Sklansky possesses one of the great minds of the poker world. In the introduction to his book, The Theory of Poker (Two Plus Two Publishing, Las Vegas, 1987) Sklansky writes, “From the expert’s point of view, the veneer of simplicity that deludes so many players into thinking they’re good is the profitable side of the game’s beauty.”
A beginning player can learn the hand rankings, get a good handle on how to bet and may even understand how to call and how to raise. This is a good start. But it’s only that – a start. Why?
Make Money in Your Entire Session – Not just a Pot
Remember that your ultimate goal is to make money – for the entire session. Your goal is not just to win pots. In fact, Sklansky writes, “The bets you save are as important as the bets you win, because your real goal is to maximize your wins and minimize your losses.” You may sometimes be in a poker game where it’s best to win as many pots as possible. But it’s rare.
Tip #1: Don’t rely on the cards alone.